• Breaking News

    Sunday, December 29, 2019

    Mortal Kombat What do you want out of r/MortalKombat in 2020? Voice your opinions, concerns and ideas here.

    Mortal Kombat What do you want out of r/MortalKombat in 2020? Voice your opinions, concerns and ideas here.

    What do you want out of r/MortalKombat in 2020? Voice your opinions, concerns and ideas here.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 01:58 PM PST

    u/boraicholol got the ball rolling on our annual 'State of the Kommunity' address this year, so lets keep it going.

    Going into 2020, what do YOU want out of r/MortalKombat? ALL of your opinions, concerns and ideas will be addressed with the mods (with a few minor exceptions pointed out below).

    • What content do you want to see more/less of?

    • What rule(s) do you think should be reinforced or relaxed?

    • Ideas for daily/weekly mega threads

    There are still a few exceptions that we will not allow:

    • No Rule 34 type of posts. (Porn)

    • "Witch hunting" will not be tolerated in any degree.

    • Racism, bigotry and/or otherwise anything that attacks another person will not be tolerated.

    We want to hear what you want out of this Kommunity, because it belongs to you. So please take your liberty below and tell us how we can serve you better and keep this a Kommunity you enjoy and want to continue to come back to in 2020.

    submitted by /u/xlThalionlx
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    My friend is an absolute monster at this game, so I'm really proud of this win!

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 06:03 AM PST

    The best skin of all time. Why is it still not in mk11?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 03:06 AM PST

    Heard someone say Two-Face Kabal would be pretty dope and I agree

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:19 AM PST

    Jax/Terminator Fatal Blow

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:25 AM PST

    Li Mei Concept by CODE-umb87

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:14 AM PST

    Frost Fatality in the Dark

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 08:30 AM PST

    Give Sindel her scream restand back

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:13 AM PST

    Is is just me or is MK11 getting incredibly boring?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:23 AM PST

    It can't be just me. I think its a great game and all, but it's just not nearly as fun as previous titles. There's not really a lot of content to this game really, and all of them get boring and repetitive really fast (ToT gets annoying and boring, Online gets stressful and boring, Krypt becomes a RNG empty mess, and even the Klassic Towers feel extremely underwhelming.) Everything in this game feels so watered down, the way to collect gear in this game is boring RNG(half of the gear and skins in this game sucks ass anyways), and is a huge downgrade from INJ2's gear system(which had problems of its own)

    Then there's the gameplay. You either love it or hate it, and for me its a mixed bag. I like how smooth and fluid it is, it feels great to play. Everything else is a fucking mess. Characters feel extremely lame and incomplete, base mechanics still need fixing, there's useless abilities galore, NRS doesn't know how to fucking balance characters to save their lives, and the incredibly slow update schedule just leads to sheer monotony and a feeling of dryness and boringness(just made that one up). Like the meta hasn't shifted since Day 1 and all the tech to discover for every character is already known, this game just feels so boring and and linear, you gotta play this character a very specific way, there's no depth nor creativity in the characters playstyles, just nothing. Everybody in this game is a complete downgrade from themselves in previous titles, and is overall very limited and restricted. Compare that to the full diverse moveset with the characters in MK9 and the well thought out variations and the creativity with the combos and mixups in MKX.

    This kinda turned to be a rant post, but I just wanted to get that off my chest. I really don't want the game to die off because everyone gets bored of it, I want it to actually improve and get better. But the game is still almost the exact same from release and for something they say they're gonna support longer than previous titles, that's not a good thing. Alright, rant over

    submitted by /u/SUPER6727
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    Smoke was the 3rd most played MK9 kharacter in tournaments. NRS forgot about him ��

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 01:19 PM PST

    The only glitch in a video game that I actually want to see happen

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 09:46 PM PST

    I know this is out of context but if any mortal kombat Kharacter watches wrestling what is thier favorite wrestler?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 12:52 PM PST


    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 05:04 PM PST

    So...that was a lie. (Referring to the handling of the Klassic female ninja skins.)

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 02:34 PM PST

    I left kitana (only one main) and now I main frost, it is amazing how you have to learn a lot about movements ,and distances in Mk11, any advices about her variations and playstyle could you recommend?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 11:15 AM PST

    I want to learn more about her, do you know what are her best variations, tips, gameplays, frames hits, YOutubers, etc

    Thanks in advance!

    submitted by /u/chronoler1
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    My new ps4 controller, need a little getting use to

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:54 AM PST

    Thinking of buying Mortal Kombat 11

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 02:11 PM PST

    So the Xbox Store has the Mortal Kombat Premium Edition for $35 right now. I'm not the best at fighting games, I've tried a few in the past, but it's been a while. How friendly are the controls for moves and combos in the game - especially for a noob fighter?

    submitted by /u/hulksmash865
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    How come all the Kitana mains want MKX Kitana back but the Liu Kang mains aren’t missing all the Flame Fist/Dragon Fire stuff?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 10:07 AM PST

    This game is getting stale

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 07:48 AM PST

    Don't get me wrong, the game is great, but I find myself playing it less and less. There's really nothing to do outside of grinding ToT. Sure you can play online but even that gets boring after a while. Why doesn't this game have anything fun in it? No fun game modes or anything. And no the special season towers are not fun at all. So yeah, I get real bored from this game. But here are some suggestions I made for fun game modes.

    An Arcade Mode - When you enter arcade mode you are the krypt guy in a room full of arcade cabinets, each cabinet has a unique and fun game mode you can play. One arcade cabinet could be a Klassic MK machine, where when you choose the cabinet you can play the original MK games, either by yourself or with others. Or one of the cabinets can be a tag team mode cabinet, where you get the play the game mode that everyone has been begging for. The devs can do and come up with so many cool things for this if there were to go ahead and do it.

    Survivor Tower (got this idea from Injustice Mobile) - What this idea is, is that basically it's a never ending tower where the opponents you fight get harder and harder as it goes on. Your health carries on from each fight, but before every fight you spin a wheel to see what reward you will get if you win the fight. The rewards get better as the tower goes on, and before every fight, you can either cash out and take your prizes and end the tower, or keep going to earn more rewards, if you lose a match on this tower you lose all the stuff that you earned on the tower. It should cost about 20,000 - 50,000 coins to be able to play this tower.


    And finally, can we bring back the Injustice 2 gear system, or something like it? That would be awesome and would give more reason to put time into this game.

    Thank you, now let's hear your suggestions.

    submitted by /u/NaeemLikeShady
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    This was one of the reasons why I loved Sub Zero in MK3. Freeze,high punhes,freeze,high punch, run, combo.

    Posted: 28 Dec 2019 04:03 PM PST

    What do you think is turning people off from this game?

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 04:25 AM PST

    Haven't seen much activity lately

    submitted by /u/DepressedSuccess
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    Tekken 7 Vs mortal Kombat 11 just for casual play

    Posted: 29 Dec 2019 09:04 AM PST

    I'm just looking for a game that I can play with my friends, just casual, and I was thinking Tekken 7, but I've heard that mortal Kombat 11 is easier to get into, price doesn't matter just looking for one that's the most fun 😊

    Edit: when I say casual I just mean, playing with my friend on my xbox, just no campaign no online

    submitted by /u/MybloodisVine69
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