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    Friday, July 30, 2021

    Mortal Kombat Skarlet fanart

    Mortal Kombat Skarlet fanart

    Skarlet fanart

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:51 AM PDT

    Unpopular opinion: I love MK11 more than MKX

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:56 AM PDT

    I love MKX. Believe me, I do. The atmosphere, the character designs, the story, the brutal finishers, I love MKX. Every time I play it, I get nostalgic. The game means a lot to me.

    But MK11, to me, is more fun. I do think the criticism it gets is valid, but I personally believe that the game is better than MKX. The gameplay just feels more cinematic and I love kustomising my characters. I also like the story, as messy as it is objectively. I just love time travel stories lol.

    You're fine to disagree with me tho. I'll respect your opinions regardless.

    Edit: Jesus, this is getting popular lol.

    submitted by /u/ChainingSparks_64
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    Zoning Rambo gets a taste of his own medicine. ��

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:42 AM PDT

    I bought and posted the scorpion last week. Had to get the sub-zero to go with him lol. I think I might like him more honestly. ��❄️

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 05:20 AM PDT

    MORTAL KOMBAT JOKE OF THE DAY: Kronika is the best villain of the mortal kombat series

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:57 AM PDT

    First time playing the game, and you don’t know the moves yet

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 10:31 AM PDT

    New Mortal Kombat movie coming soon? ��

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:41 PM PDT

    How to defeat wifi subzero? Pls help!

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 06:18 AM PDT

    I main Kitana and it's a struggle!!!

    submitted by /u/Prism0110
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    Playing my first ever MK game in the form of 11. Someone asked why Kollector is in my top three.

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 05:47 PM PDT

    Me (Scorpion) vs AI (Sub-zero) epic fight on hard difficulty

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 12:54 PM PDT


    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 08:35 AM PDT

    Just picked up the mk11 ultimate edition and omg the fighting is just so satisfying and the finishers, just wow

    submitted by /u/RaptorRex007
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    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:40 PM PDT

    can still get the mk9 scorpion in mk11? I saw a guy using it on tiktok and now I can't live without it. And If anyone speak spanish, please tell

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 04:44 PM PDT

    How do you feel about comic-type kontent?

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:57 AM PDT

    So I am dabbling in making comics and I wanted something familiar to start off with. MK is a franchise I hold very dear to my heart so I thought it would be the perfect place to start since I am pretty familiar with the characters and whatnot.

    These comics will include my own little OC's that I've developed among the years since I don't want them to just collect dust. These OC's will interact with some canon characters, possibly in romantic scenarios as well.

    I plan on making them story-driven though so it won't be just characters smooching for no reason.

    I was thinking about posting these comics here but I want to know what the general opinion on comic-type content of this kind is here.

    Are you guys down with it? Is it against any rules? Is there a better sub-reddit to post these on?

    Just wanted to check before I did anything!

    submitted by /u/_Vopsea_
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    Royal Protection. Why do I see no Kitana players use possibly one of her best moves lol.

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:13 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/DuhfaultS
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    Kano carrying things again

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:21 AM PDT

    Kano carrying things again

    Hey Guys. I love mortal kombat. I love the sport of fencing. I am here to tell you about Kano carrying things in 2021.

    We all know Kano carried the new mortal kombat movie on his back. But did you know there is a japanese Kano?

    Leading up to the Olympics in 2020 the IOC built a website with athlete profiles. Kano's profile listed under ambition "Gold in Team Epee". Not the individual competition. Not just to do well or a hope for a medal in something. He set a goal for the Team event.

    The Japanese team going into the Olympics was considered an underdog team. Noone expected them to medal. Except Kano.

    Here is how it works. Epee is the sword fighting form where you must hit with the tip of your sword and you can hit anywhere on the body, head to toe. It is the only, of the 3 forms of fencing, where both fencers can score if they hit within a quarter second of each other. It happens a lot.

    Team events in fencing have 2 teams of 3 +1 alternate. Each teams 3 members will fence the other teams 3 members. The first bout it fenced to 5 points. After that the score (it could be 5-3) is carried over to the next bout and 5 is added to the cap. So the second bout in my example would start 5-3 and they would fence to 10 points. This goes on until everyone has fenced everyone else with a final cap of 45 points.

    Kano carried his team, who all fenced amazingly, all the way to the gold medal bout. The Japanese team eliminated Team USA in an early round.

    In the gold medal bout Kano finished with an Indicator (your total points scored - the total points scored against you) of +17. So he scored 17 more points then were scored upon him. This is some strong dominance. In one bout of his he finished with an indicator of +11. So he scored 11 more points on one guy then that guy scored on him. This can only happen if his team is behind by a lot. And remember the team that is ahead could just time their hits for when Kano would attack them and try to hit at the same time. 5 double touches would be an indicator of 0.

    I know most of you all aren't fencers. But we all can appreciate a guy named Kano walking into a room looking to leave with some gold and dominating his way to that treasure.

    The image I posted here isn't from this olympics, its from another tournament. But it does show Kano flying through the air hitting an Italian in the nuts.


    submitted by /u/AcceptableReference1
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    Mortal Kombat X - All Sub-Zero Cutscenes

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 11:14 AM PDT

    Favorite faction

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 07:58 PM PDT

    What's your favorite faction?

    View Poll

    submitted by /u/9UN51in93R
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    A Mortal Kombat Trivia Quiz to Truly Test Your Might

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:26 PM PDT

    Sub Zero Montage

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 09:33 AM PDT

    Skarlet and Classic Sub-Zero bring forth beauty and nostalgia in these highly detailed Mortal Kombat 11 Ultimate screenshots

    Posted: 30 Jul 2021 01:15 PM PDT

    A drawing of Scorpian!

    Posted: 29 Jul 2021 06:02 PM PDT

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