• Breaking News

    Thursday, April 16, 2020

    Mortal Kombat Started playing MK11. “Why does Scorpion look so familiar?”, I thought. Then I looked in the mirror

    Mortal Kombat Started playing MK11. “Why does Scorpion look so familiar?”, I thought. Then I looked in the mirror

    Started playing MK11. “Why does Scorpion look so familiar?”, I thought. Then I looked in the mirror

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:03 AM PDT

    D'Vorah's web = The best quitality

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 10:48 PM PDT

    "Your waves are mine!"

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 09:59 PM PDT

    Your Soul is Mine!

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:43 AM PDT

    Jade & Kotal . By Me.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 01:10 PM PDT

    Let me save you all the time and clickbait, some random updated an imdb page. That's it. But Underdawg made sure to put an ad before the video started to make sure he got that revenue.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:30 AM PDT

    MK11 Scorpion and Subzero Fan Art

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 05:47 PM PDT

    A look at how Sub-Zero, Scorpion, and Sonya have evolved in-game over the years

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:26 AM PDT

    Fujin for dlc

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 11:18 AM PDT

    I just won my feeling towards KL! What a coincidence

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 06:00 AM PDT

    Cinematic Parallels: Hanzo Hasashi & Samurai Jack

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 07:27 AM PDT

    With remasters being announced left & right, can we all agree that a remaster of Armageddon would be insanely hype?

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:09 AM PDT

    So we got Scorpion/Sub-Zero as Fire & Ice, we got Noob-Smoke, it's only fair now...

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 08:24 AM PDT

    That Ermac & Reptile form a tag team. Call them something catchy like, I don't know, "Christmas Lights." That's a good one.

    Maybe make a spin-off game where they are shown to be during the events of MK11. Say Kotal sent them to go retrieve some super strong relic and while Ermac is the stone faced professional, Reptile is the hothead who constantly clashes with him due to having a more primitive approach to things. Eventually through their bloody journeys and a serious psychedelic trip through the Chaosrealm courtesy of Havik they learn to not only respect one another but become the best of friends.

    Just think of all the great moments possible. Because a lizardman and mummy sorcerer would look weird in Earthrealm, they put on inconspicuous disguises like Ermac wearing a hoodie over his hood and Reptile with big nose gag glasses. Ermac constantly changing his mind on which restaurant to go to, Reptile driving an old Honda Civic with rims and constantly blaring his theme music from the MK movie.

    If that doesn't print money then I don't hate shovels.

    This is what you think about when you're housebound from quarantine.

    submitted by /u/IHateShovels
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    I bought a thing... I don't have much on the way of MK merch outside games but thus now joins my Storm collectables Ermac

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:10 PM PDT

    I love this game

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 10:33 AM PDT

    I finally made it to DEMI GOD! for the first time! And with only using Raiden. It was tough lol.

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 09:49 AM PDT

    The rare wholesome Kombat League message

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 04:59 PM PDT

    Spawn and Scorpion by MclarenH

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 07:55 PM PDT

    The Art of Skarlet, the Filthy Parry Zoner

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:00 AM PDT

    The Ten Mental Frame Traps That Keep Punishing You

    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 02:04 PM PDT


    As a licensed therapist who also mains Cetrion, I have hit "The Wall" many times throughout my career. The wall is that point where you feel like no matter what you do; you can't get any better. The truth is you can only grow as a fighting game player as far as you have grown as a person. Cognitive Distor...I mean Mental Frame Traps are errors in thinking that can affect your decision making-reads..in fighting games. Here are the ten mental frame traps that keep you stuck and how to reset the neutral in your mind.


    Mental Filtering

    Mental Filtering is a Mental Frame Trap where someone only focuses on the negative things about themselves and their gameplay and doesn't see or consider the positives. Someone stuck in this frame trap will often complain about how often they lose or how much they suck. Psychologically speaking this is devastating because it creates a situation where the person never feels "accomplished". If they win, they blame it on chance, and if they lose, they blame it on how much they suck. To reset the nuetral in your mind, go into your previously viewed clips and pick a game that you lost. Watch that game and purposely find several things to say that you did well no matter how hard you have to try. [insert clip of me doing that]

    In real life, keep a "gratitude journal" of things you do throughout the day for yourself that you are grateful for.


    Jumping to Conclusions is a mental frame trap where we either assume we can read someone elses mind or we think that we can predict the future. Now, I know that you are thinking, "but I do make reads", well yes, but from a psychological perspective, what you really do is you make a decision based on a reasonable belief that your opponent will do something in a given situation. Sometimes you make a read when you haven't gotten enough evidence for that belief [oh the low] and you get punished for it. To reset the neutral in your mind, before you make a read ask yourself if you have read enough.


    Personalization is a mental frame trap where we take the blame for everything that goes wrong in a match. Saying that "Kung Lao jump-ins are broken" is not always an option select when you get hit by them. Sometimes, things are just designed in such a way that you will get punished despite your best efforts. That still doesn't mean it is your fault. It is good that you want to take responsibility for your loss and learn from it AND Cetrions teleport is annoying. [teleport clip] To reset the neutral in your mindf, understand that It is true *pause* we play a role in all interactions and taking responsibility doesn't always mean accepting fault.


    Black and white thinking is a mental frame trap where we see things in extremes. Characters in mortal kombat are on a spectrum between rushdown or a zoner . Some characters specialize in one area over the other and most have a mixture of the two. There are basically two ways to play a rushdown or a zoner character "safe" and "unga boonga". PLayers stuck in the black and white thinking-frame trap will always make dramatic adjustments that are easy to counter. To beat this frame trap a player needs to have an understanding of what the middle ground is. I suggest every one have three characters one zoner, one rushdown, and one scorpion and even if you prefer one style to the other at least be able to utilize the style when it is necessary. You don't have to choose between "safe" and "unga bunga" you can be both. To reset the nuetral in your mind, consider if you are showing a willingness to incorporate other viewpoints and consider other ways of approaching situations.


    Catastrophizing is a mental frame trap where we making things more terrible than they actually are. This mental frame trap is going to be unique to every player, for me, I hate getting thrown [show clips of me getting throw] and because I hate getting thrown, I tend to [jump to the conclusion] that I am going to get thrown...leading to me...you guess it [show clip of me getting thrown]. The truth is that taking 14% damage versus a full combo punish is objectively not that bad, but because I believe "getting thrown" means "my opponent knows Im scared" I [Personalize] it and create a self-fulfilling prophecy. The best way to fight this frame trap is to ask yourself "what is the absolute worse thing that could happen and how would I handle that if I had to?". To reset the nuetral in your mind, understand that After you have planned for what you can, let go of block and also what you can't.


    Overgeneralization is where we filter out information from our awareness that doesn't confirm what we already believe. Since we form beliefs in part from on our experiences, it can be easy to get into a situation where we develop a belief that isn't true, primarily if that belief is based off of limited experience. You know people that keep doing the same combo over and over again even after you punish it several times? Those types of people are stuck in the Mental Filtering frame trap. They believe their particular sequence of buttons "offense" works all the time and disregard situations where it doesn't. Instead of doing different moves they will label themselves or the situation as unchangeable. You need to focus on types situations instead of just the situations themselves. Yes, I am spamming you and I am also controlling the space between us and making it difficult for you to get in. To reset the neutral in your mind, ask yourself if there is more information you need to consider.


    Labeling is a mental frame trap where we judge someone or something based on behavior that occurs situationally. People who say things like "spamming" or "stop doing two-button combos" don't understand what zoning or staggering is. In some situations, the type of gameplay they label as "spamming" is actually the optimal strategy. The problem is that because they are stuck in [Black and White Thinking], [Overgeneralization], and [Mental Filtering], they cannot conceptualize it and thus come up with another language to explain the same concepts. To reset the neutral in your mind, ask yourself if you are showing a willingness to consider explanations that either go against what you already believe.


    Shoulding and Have To is a frame trap where we hold ourselves to unrealistic expectations. We will say things like "I should be better at this game by now" or "I have to beat [insert name of perceived scrub in your squad] or else that means im trash" You are holding yourself to an impossible standard and beat yourself up when you don't reach it. [Black and White Thinking] [Jumping To Conclusions] You can also play a character in a redundant way and never do anything differently because it "should" work. This will lead to you being easily read and never growing. To reset the neutral in your mind, ask yourself "is this the only way to do what it is I am doing? is it possible that there are other ways I haven't considered?" Watch other people play and emulate those who are successful.


    Emotional Reasoning is a mental frame trap that causes fear and sometimes salt. [insert salt is a way of life audio and a clip of when that guy got in his face at evo]. The way that you see situations is based on how you feel in the moment and that determines what reads you make. It also determines the types of reads you look for. Remember me being afraid to get thrown? That was based on fear. [Catastrophizing]. To reset the nuetral in your mind ask yourself if you are making decisions based on your feelings.


    Magnification and minimization is a mental frame trap where you downplay your strengths while simultaneously lifting up the strengths of another. You will see this sometimes at locals or online where people say "yeah, im not really that good. Sometimes it is tricky to lower your guard, and sometimes it is a mind game they created for themselves and are losing. To reset the neutral in your mind, you must stop comparing yourself to other fighters and start comparing yourself to yourself.

    submitted by /u/derrickhoardlmft
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    You should always love yourself the way these two broskis stanned for Goro.

    Posted: 15 Apr 2020 06:14 PM PDT


    Posted: 16 Apr 2020 12:55 PM PDT


    submitted by /u/per_iod
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