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    Saturday, February 22, 2020

    Mortal Kombat Baraka and Kitana figures shown at Toy Fair

    Mortal Kombat Baraka and Kitana figures shown at Toy Fair

    Baraka and Kitana figures shown at Toy Fair

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:15 AM PST

    [MKDA] Ever wonder how a blind swordsman plays Test Your Sight?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:33 AM PST

    went to an Udon restaurant in Detroit and lost my mind when I saw this.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 10:24 PM PST

    Motaro figure at Toy Fair

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:46 AM PST

    Skarlet in this outfit makes me think of Silent Hill nurses ...

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:03 PM PST

    The complete MK 11 toy line

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:17 PM PST

    Ah yes, the classic crotch cover

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:14 PM PST


    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:31 AM PST

    Just a little creation of mk11 cutscenes with some badass music.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:19 AM PST

    Omg it’s Jackie Chan!

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:38 PM PST

    Oh yes...

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 11:55 AM PST

    Tweeted by Ed Boon just an hour ago.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 04:38 PM PST

    Jade mains be like...

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:48 AM PST

    Has Sindel disappeared from single-player towers?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:01 AM PST

    I don't recall the last time I fought against her. I've been leaving and going back into tower modes (both klassic and Towers of Time) to see if I can even get to her to populate and for three entire days she's never appeared once.

    submitted by /u/Grim-Street
    [link] [comments]

    The Elder Gods have been consulted

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 01:47 PM PST

    The most one sided match I've ever played.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 12:10 AM PST

    New special Krypt event.

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 02:33 PM PST

    From HalhaneyArt on Instagram! Buy one yourself for cheap in the U.S.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 08:00 PM PST

    Thoughts on the LolHounds mortal Kombat Kontent?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 06:25 AM PST

    I personally love it.

    submitted by /u/SMC0629
    [link] [comments]

    Will they never learn?

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 03:42 PM PST

    That’s a F from me dawg.

    Posted: 21 Feb 2020 07:59 PM PST

    Kustom Variation Analysis #4: Shang Tsung

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 09:51 AM PST

    DISCLAIMER: This series of posts isn't meant to go till the end of all kharacters, say "Kustom Variation Analysis #25" isn't gonna happen in a long time, I do these posts whenever I get around to it. What this post is supposed to be is a guideline for said kharacter's abilities that are and aren't in tourney variations (hope that restriction gets removed). It can also pique interest in "dead moves" and kasual play, but without further ado, here is what I've learned with Shang Tsung so far.

    First Kustom Variation Analysis: https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/cqx07n/kustom_variation_analysis_1_raiden/

    Second Kustom Variation Analysis: https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/f49nk4/kustom_variation_analysis_2_kotal_kahn/

    Third Kustom Variation Analysis: https://www.reddit.com/r/MortalKombat/comments/f55tb8/kustom_variation_analysis_3_heretic01/

    Here's Shang Tsung's post. Guy's a beast if utilized by a player who knows his matchups and his gimmicks - those gimmicks can be real if utilized korrektly. Luckily for you, I labbed his matchups for every ability for you and wrote it down in this post. Here's hoping kustoms are legal, so that we can see a kustom Shang Tsung in action.

    Ability #1: Inferno Skulls

    This ability allows Shang Tsung's Fire Skulls to be amplified twice, and gives him access to a new krushing blow which deals 230.00% damage if that krushing blow is performed. The krushing blow's requirement is the final hit of Inferno Skulls (The double amplified Fire Skulls) must hit the opponent, only the last. We can use this requirement to our advantage, kinda like this. If the opponent delays wake, be it short or long, the last hit of Inferno Skulls will hit, but the opponent can delay wakeup (both short and long) and block, but if they think they can delay wakeup (both short and long) and do a wakeup jab, then they are in for a krushing blow, as they have to block the Inferno Skulls, this is what's known as a meaty, where you delay a move (in this case Shang Tsung's Inferno Skulls) and let the move rock, but the continuation of the move is so active that it has to be blocked on wakeup. A meaty covers multiple wakeup options. It can also work as a meaty for certain U3s, it doesn't work on U2s since their not invincible, it also works on forward getup rolls, and they can't block after forward rolling. The certain U3s this move works on are (Shang Tsung, Nightwolf, Joker, Johnny Cage, Sonya, Cassie Cage, Noob Saibot, Baraka, Raiden, Kabal, Liu Kang, Kung Lao, Jade, Sub-Zero, Skarlet, Jacqui, Kano, Erron Black, Kotal Kahn, The Terminator, Geras, and Cetrion). The best way to setup this krushing blow is knocking them down by a D2, then going for Inferno Skulls if you think they might forward getup roll, delay wakeup and press buttons, or do an U3. This setup is the most consistent to guarantee you the krushing blow.

    But there are certain U3s which don't fall victim to this meaty. These U3s are (Frost, Shao Kahn, Jax, Scorpion, Kitana, D'vorah, Kollector, and Sindel). Don't get me wrong, you can get the krushing blow on these certain U3s but it's extremely inconsistent, and downright impossible.

    It can also be used for unbreakable damage at klutch situations. It offers the same unbreakable damage as Krashing Flames, and gives you the same okie, but if you have Krashing Flames replaced by Force Lift or Ground Eruption, it might be a bit useful to use Inferno Skulls for unbreakable damage.

    It can also be used in the zoning war as a high risk/high reward projectile. It's last hit is a mid, so you can't duck under it. It can push the opponent far away, and back to zoning distance, it's also plus on block. It can also knock your opponent hard on the ground which leaves Shang Tsung safe for setting up Inferno Barrier, Malignant Sorcery, Vile Inscriptions, or Soul Well. But note the risk part of this ability, it costs all your offensive meter, so if it is wasted, your opponent could bypass your zoning and knock you down and you would be knocked down with only getup roll as you're defensive option.

    Ability #2: Screaming Soul

    This ability replaces Shang Tsung's Fire Skulls with a bolt of souls. This ability can be held down and cancelled out of. When amplified it becomes a mid. It can be used in multiple ways, such as cancelling certain strings and moves into Screaming Soul cancel and going for either B3 or a throw. These are the certain moves and strings that leave you -9 or less on the cancel, (B1, B2, B3, S3, S4, F2, F24, B3U4, 21). If it reaches -10 or above it's reactable for the opponent to poke Shang Tsung out of the cancels. Keep in mind you can hold down the Screaming Soul after these strings and moves, but it'll change the frame data, and make the opponent react, but the best cancel and fastest out of these strings is B1. It's -2 when cancelled into Screaming Soul cancel. You can go for B3 or throw after the B1, Screaming Soul cancel, or you could go B112 to mix the opponent up, if they know the kounterplay to the Screaming Soul cancel.

    It can also be held down for a gimmicks in the zoning war. When held down, you really should probably go for the amplified version, as it's a mid, and it's hitbox and time duration are long enough to make amplified Screaming Soul a unavoidable projectile, kinda like Cetrion's (Air) Hell's Wrath, that annoying move where Cetrion jumps and throws a fire beam at the opponent. The amplified version knocks the opponent hard so, if you want to close the gap and play neutral/pressure, you could do that too.

    Ability #3: Ground Eruption

    This ability is Shang Tsung's keep-away tool and kombo extender. It replaces Krashing Flames, and Force Lift. It can be used to keep the opponent in check if the opponent tries to bypass your zoning and you can kombo off of Ground Eruption midscreen. It can't kombo in the korner, you're gonna have to rely on F242 for korner kombos. It deals less damage than Sorcery Rush, so I advise you to use Sorcery Rush as a kombo ender instead of Ground Eruption. It can also be used to anti air the opponent at far ranges.

    Fun fact: You can kombo Ground Eruption into F242 midscreen, kinda like this. F242, Far Ground Eruption. The Timing for the Far Ground Eruption is not that tight, to be honest it's fairly easy.

    Ability #4: Force Lift

    This ability replaces Ground Eruption and Krashing Flames. It is Shangs Tsung's other kombo extender and keep-away tool. It is somewhat like Ground Eruption. It does less damage than Ground Eruption, but leaves you and the opponent at neutral range and not far range like Ground Eruption does. It's hitbox is better than that of Ground Eruption which can't anti air at close ranges. So with this ability you trade keep-away and damage for neutral control i.e. being able to anti air more consistently and having neutral okie.

    Ability #5: Inferno Barrier

    This ability is a setup ability and a unique one at that. It summons a barrier of inferno - Inferno Barrier is a mid - which stays at the spot you summoned it. It can be amplified - amplifying this ability will cause it to track the opponent. It has 2 versions, #1 being the close version, and #2 being the normal version. The normal version summons the Inferno Barrier right behind your opponent. The normal version and close version of the Inferno Barrier stay for 7-9 seconds, the amplified version stays for 10 seconds.

    The normal version and close version can be mega plus (we're talking +34 levels of plus-ness on block) on block if the opponent gets backed into coming in contact with the Inferno Barrier. The amplified version is unsafe (-32), but it can be set up a bit far from your opponent and if it touches your opponent after it has been set up for some time, then it'll be plus.

    The Inferno Barrier can be removed from the screen if Shang Tsung gets hit with a projectile, even if Shang Tsung is blocking the projectile, the Inferno Barrier will disappear.A player who knows the matchup will probably use this projectile weakness to their advantage. I advise you to pick this ability against characters who only have a high projectile, and not a low or mid hitting projectile. Characters like Jacqui (without Grenade Launcher) Cassie Cage (without Kneecappin') Johnny Cage (without High and Low Forceballs) Liu Kang (without Low Fireball) Jade (without Dodging Shadows) D'vorah (without Strepsiptera, (Air) Ticking Time Bug, and Bombardier Beetle) Terminator (with Sawed Off replaced with Incapacitator) Sindel (without Low Star Screamer, (Air) Banshee Dash, (Air) Banshee Barrage, Enhanced Regal Presence).

    This ability works great in conjunction with Soul Swap as you get to avoid most projectiles and play a weird minigame like none other. You can knock your opponent down and far away from you, setup Inferno Barrier, and see your options, and then use Soul Swap.

    Believe it or not, Inferno Barrier hard kounters Upgraded Jacqui. She can't jump over it or bypass it if Shang Tsung knocks here far away, same with Arctic Trap Sub-Zero.

    This ability is gimmicky, but real once enforced with matchup knowledge and skill.

    It can also create some cool kombo opportunities. Dark Lord showcases them here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1CP2FUuru5Q&t=254s , shoutouts to Dark Lord, amazing channel.

    Ability #6: Soul Well

    This ability is another one of Shang Tsung's setup abilities. It stores the damage Shang Tsung inflicts in a well of souls, and then Shang Tsung could use that stored damage in the well to heal his life. Again, not much to say, helps his setup keep away game, and is a nice ability against punish characters. You can also cancel a string into Soul Well and it will regenerate Shang Tsung's health instantly without even setting up the well. It regens 40.00%. I don't know if this is intended or if it's a glitch, but if it is, please fix it NRS.

    Ability #7: Explosive Korpses

    This ability turns Korpse Drop into a kombo extender, and a damaging one at that. It gives Shang Tsung both zoning kombos, midscreen kombos, and even korner kombos that deal 30.00% or more damage for ONE BAR!! These are my go to kombos for this ability, they're swaggy and deal chunky damage

    • Midscreen kombo: (Starter) F24, amplified Explosive Korpses, S1, S1, B11, Sorcery Rush. You could replace B11, Sorcery Rush with a D2, they deal the same damage, but I like to go for B11, Sorcery Rush for swag.
    • Zoning kombo: Far Amplified Explosive Korpses, F4.
    • Korner Kombo: (Starter) F24, amplified Explosive Korpses, 11, 11 ,114, Sorcery Rush.

    Explosive Korpses and Ground Eruption kombos, the swaggiest and best

    • Midscreen kombo: (Starter) F24, amplified Explosive Korpses, S3, amplified Ground Eruption, B11, Sorcery Rush. You CANNOT replace B11, Sorcery Rush with a D2 in this kombo, the range is too far for a D2 to connect.
    • Zoning kombo: Far amplified Explosive Korpses, Ground Eruption. You could also go for Far amplified Explosive Korpses, amplified Far Ground Eruption, Far Ground Eruption.

    Ability #8: Scatter Souls

    This ability is Shang Tsung's safe cancel and stagger ability. It can be used after certain strings and make them safe, because Scatter Souls is -6 on block. It can trick the opponent into thinking it's their turn when it's not, you might know this, if you main Geras, what with his Big Fist Knuckle Duster that can make all his strings -7 (safe) on block. It can also be cancelled out of. DO NOT cancel Scatter Souls at close ranges, it is not a close range cancel, Screaming Soul already does that. It can also be amplified. When amplifies it leaves the opponent in mega hit advantage +72 and +86 if used at max range. Point is, if the amplified Scatter Souls hits your opponent you can go in and dash in hit them and it would kombo as they would be stuck in too much hit advantage to block. But note this, you cannot kombo them is amplified Scatter Souls hits them at fullscreen. Remember what I said about Scatter Soul being able to be cancelled, yeah, now this is were you wanna use it. If you've got the opponent conditioned to block and be scared of the amplified Scatter Souls, because you're in a fatal blow territory, which means one amplified Scatter Souls and it's over, dash in, kombo into fatal blow, and it's GGs. Well you could also cancel it while being in that situation to trick the opponent. I advise you to do F4 or F3 after you've cancelled it, as the opponent would be tricked by the Scatter Souls cancel.

    Ability #9: Shake

    This is Shang Tsung's parry, and a mighty good one at that. It can parry projectiles, you can even do it on reaction. It doesn't parry all projectiles like (Sand Trap, (Air) Banshee Barrage, etc.) you know weird projectiles that aren't normal. It parries normal projectiles just fine. The amplified version parries hits too. My favorite application of this ability is this. D1, amplified Shake. The hurtbox and startup frames of amplified Shake makes it so that any poke or move after the D1 Shang Tsung did hit the amplified Shake instead of Shang Tsung. It's not foolproof though, as throws and kommand grabs do beat the amplified Shake. It has a krushing blow which requirement is you must land 2 Shakes in a row, be it amplified or non amplified. It can be used for setups like these, say you parry a projectile and then it leaves you close to the opponent, the opponent decided to wakeup U3, and what do you do? You do amplified Shake and get that sweet krushing blow.

    Ability #10: Slide

    This ability replaces Sorcery Rush, one of Shang Tsung's best kombo enders for a low hitting f*#@ neutral tool that does less damage than Sorcery Rush and slower startup frames than Sorcery Rush. It can be amplified for more damage. It also has a krushing blow attached to it. The requirement is you must hit Slide at max range. You can also kombo into this krushing blow, for example, (Starter) B11, amplified Superkick, S4, amplified Slide, and you just landed a 409% kombo. I advise you to hit the krushing blow in kombos and not in neutral situations, because getting it in a kombo is much more guaranteed.

    Ability #11: Superkick

    This ability gives Shang Tsung a kombo extender and a cancellable one at that. It can be used to get the Slide krushing blow kombo as mentioned above. It has a krushing blow. It's requirement is the superkick must hit the opponent right after it has been cancelled out of. The krushing blow must also be amplified for it to kombo. The chances of you landing this krushing blow are extremely slim, but hey here's a kombo that utilises this krushing blow in a way you wouldn't expect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2WPM0qa-5k&feature=youtu.be . F2, Superkick, is extremely useful, as demonstrated by ArnKratos (Best Shang Tsung in the world) in this video https://twitter.com/MCG_ArnKratos/status/1225797856394665989 .

    Ability #12: Soul Swap

    This ability is one which allows Shang Tsung to change the position of the opponent and replaces it with Shang sung's position. It basically swaps places with the opponent. This ability is extremely useful for kounterplay and setplay. It can kounter special moves that track you such as Joker's amplified C C D D E G E C,Kotal Kahn's amplified Sun-Ray, etc.. it can also kounter Geras' amplified Sand Pillar which a Geras' may use ti keep you at bay. Just know this, as Geras is setting up the amplified Sand Pillar you can do a Soul Swap and put Geras at the amplified Sand Pillar, now he's the one getting trapped. It can also work in great conjunction with Inferno Barrier, as it can be used after an Inferno Barrier has been setup and can keep the opponent in very close contact with Inferno Barrier or amplified Inferno Barrier. It is also an unblockable so it can chip the opponent when he's on low health.

    Side Note: If you know how to setup Inferno Barrier, then Shake could work really well as a conjunction ability, as it can kounter projectiles and poking, which makes setting up Inferno Barrier safe. Inferno Barrier, Shake, and Soul Swap can make for a very setup heavy kustom that would be hype to watch. Inferno Barrier, Shake, and Screaming Soul would also be very useful as it gives you the hard knockdown, pressure with Screaming Soul cancel, setups and kounterplay to Inferno Barrier's weakness.

    Ability #12: Vile Sorcery

    This is Shang Tsung's damage buff and damage reduction ability, It reduce the damage Shang Tsung takes or increases the damage Shang Tsung deals. It's got fast startup frames, and is just all around solid a solid ability. It can make for a kombo heavy, punish based, kustom such as Vile Sorcery, Explosive Korpses, and Force Lift. It gives Shang Tsung the damage that used to be Ground Eruption pre-Ground Eruption nerf.

    Ability #13: Shapeshifter's Training

    Nothing to say much really, this ability just combines Superkick, Slide, Shake, and Force Lift together. It's a 3-slot ability so there's no synergies with this ability. It offers the leniency of Shake and Force Lift, the damage of Superkick and Slide, and that's just it.

    I wrote this post in hopes of informing the playerbase of the hidden potential of Kustom Variations.

    Side note: What we could do, as a kommunity, is start playing more kasual and start holding are own Kustom Variation Invitational's and local tournaments ( Lookin' at you Destroyer FGC), and while doing that, we could stop playing ranked and Kombat League as to further incentivize NRS to give the Kustom Variation scene more credence.

    submitted by /u/OpenPayment2
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    Mortal Kombat New Era (2020) Rain MK3 - Full Playthrough

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:55 AM PST

    Isn’t it messed up that you’re at a disadvantage if you get the opponent to low health?

    Posted: 22 Feb 2020 08:19 AM PST

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